Monday, May 10, 2010


Hi all!  I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day weekend. 

So this is my first official blog entry and of course, the very reason I started this blog did in fact happen today.  After a rather uneventful morning, naptime made the day quite interesting.  I was in my student's napping area only to hear one of the other teachers' voices coming from the bathroom saying "What were you doing?"  Well, I had to jump up due to my thinking, "Oh I know this will be perfect for my blog!"  I grab my camera and I am off!  Sure enough, standing there in the bathroom, peering in to one of the toilets is a little boy, looking like the cat who ate the canary.  He had decided to put (lets just say) an entire roll of toilet paper in the toilet.  Although, not quite appropriate, I thought, aha! This is perfect.  The photo op I was looking for!  So, for your enjoyment, here are the photos....................Enjoy!

I do have another picture that I thought could describe what some of you out there might think a preschool teacher should look like after teaching a day of preschool. 

These tights are of a fellow teachers today.  Yes, she did come to work with the one large snag at the top, however, it was not conspicuous.  By the end of the day, however, she did acquire several other snags.  (Note to self: Maybe it is not a great idea to wear panty hose to preschool.) 

I think she could use a relaxation package:  possibly a hot bubble bath, relaxing music, lights off, candle, and of course................a glass of wine!

Until next time!

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